Monday, May 30, 2011

Lady Gaga obsessed with cooking shows

Lady Gaga at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.Image via Wikipedia

Lady Gaga obsessed with cooking shows

MTV Video Music Awards 2010 Press Room, Nokia Theater LA Live, Los Angeles, CA. - Russ Einhorn / Splash News
MTV Video Music Awards 2010 Press Room, Nokia Theater LA Live, Los Angeles, CA. - Russ Einhorn / Splash News
By Vicky Allison May 30, 2011, 14:36 GMT
When Lady Gaga is not busy touring the world and working, the singer admits she likes nothing more than spending time in her kitchen.
The 25-year-old says she became obsessed with cooking after watching so many TV shows.
The Judas hitmaker told Heat magazine: 'When I get time off, I like watching cooking shows, I'm really obsessed with them.
'I'm a really good cook now, just from watching those shows. My specialty is Italian.'
Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, also added that she still stays in contact with some of her friends from her childhood, despite being such a massive star these days.
She said: 'I went to an all-girls' school, so the few of my friends that I have kept since high school, we'll all just get together and cook and drink six or seven bottles of red wine and talk about life and chill out.'

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